Why—these three spices? Aside from being rich in nutrients, minerals, plant-based compounds, the combination of these three spices have the ability to do two key things, which directly relate to the root cause of imbalances.
- Ignite the digestive fire to prevent ama, or stagnation.
- Remove ama that has accumulated within the body.
It breaks down the gunk while igniting that flame (aka the digestive fire),
What is the benefit of boiling the spices versus steeping them in hot water? To really see the benefit from herbal or spiced teas, generally, spices/herbs need to engage with hot water for much longer than 3-5 minutes, in order to extract the essential oils. When boiling the spices and reducing the quantity by half, the spices have now had a chance to transform through the aide of fire (heat) and release their medicinal qualities. In using this method, the benefits of this tea will be seen much quicker. I had a client that was steeping this tea for weeks and when she followed the proper method she felt the difference in just a couple of days. Take the time—making your own medicine is a process, and your body will appreciate the love.
When do I drink this tea? It depends on your goal or intention. I recommend trying it daily for at least 2-3 weeks, preferably first thing in the morning. However, if you can commit to longer, here some other options:
I’m doing a cleanse in which I’m making adjustments to my diet and lifestyle: 1-2 times a day. First thing in the morning, and/or in the late afternoon/evening. Enjoy the same amount of days as your cleanse.
A cleanse with no adjustments to diet or lifestyle: 3 times a day. First thing in the morning, in the late afternoon and in the evening for 3-4 weeks.
PMS: 1-3 times a day. First thing in the morning, in the late afternoon and/or in the evening starting a week or two prior to your cycle start date.
Indigestion like gas, bloating, acid reflex: 3 times a day for 1 week, and then reduce to 1 time per day, as a preventive measure.
Strengthen the digestive fire: 1-2 times a day, daily for 2-3 weeks and then 1 time a day for as long as you wish.