To Coffee or Not To Coffee?
Coffee - is it good for you ? is it bad for you?
The answer is depends. It depends on the individual, how its prepared, when its consumed, the quality and so much more.
Caffeine (coffee) is a metabolic stimulator....whether someone reacts negatively or positively to coffee is different for each individual, and it will change with ones diet and health.
For example, someone who has a history of dieting, malnutrition or a slowed metabolism will probably not respond so well to coffee at first. This is because those conditions force the body to use the stress response as a coping mechanism for survival due to inadequate fuel. Adding caffeine to the diet will give a sense of "false energy" driving the body into deeper energy exhaustion.
When coffee is consumed with adequate food and nutrient intake, and when a person is not stuck in the stress response, caffeine in the form of coffee can have a very therapeutic effect. This is why I recommend drinking coffee after a meal making it nutrient dense by adding in things like organic cream, some type of neutral sugar, collagen, gelatin or even egg yolk.
Caffeine has SO many therapeutic benefits. Caffeine synergizes with progesterone and increases its concentration in blood and tissues. Progesterone is youth hormone and something that diminishes as we age, finding ways to in create is naturally is key.
The caffeine in coffee can act like thyroid to increase your metabolic rate, consume it after a meal so that you don't activate stress hormone and feel depleted.
Caffeine is commonly classified as a drug in mainstream nutrition ( just like sugar) But I believe this can only be true if consumed by itself without the right nutrients.
Drinking coffee on an empty stomach increases the cellular consumption of glucose and then cause an increase of adrenaline over producing adrenaline can then lead to exhaustion. A less efficient energy metabolism (slow down) and a depletion of glycogen stores.
The liver requires glycogen to convert hormones' so that your thyroid uses the hormones your liver converted to produce energy. Your thyroid and metabolism depend on this process to work optimally.
Caffeine can be really beneficial to your metabolism and increase your energy IF the body is being properly fueled with nutrient dense foods consistently and IF it is prepared properly with nutrient dense additions (like mentioned above)
Its all about how you use it.
That being said - those with sever hypothyroid tend to experience caffeine - induced anxiety due to poor glycogen (sugar) storage and pathology of estrogen dominance. Where estrogen impairs the livers detoxification pathways and leads to greater accumulated estrogen. Estrogen interferes with production and retention of CO2. Which itself tends to slow the breathing rate. and where its absences promotes hyperventilation and in extreme- cases panic attacks.
Remember - its not about good vs bad - its about what works for the individual -
You can not deprive your body and expect it to work for you.
Both physically and spiritually. You can not abuse your body and expect it not to be stressed.
Coffee isn't' the problem. It comes down to habits and deprivation - 15 years of experience - the number one thing I see over and over is that stress on the body - physical, mental and spiritually is what causes so many to run in circles with their health and their spirituality.
If you are someone who would like to dig deeper into how you can improve your health - be sure to book a session with me.